Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cover Crazy: Forsaken Harbor

 Cover Crazy is a weekly meme hosted by The Bookworms, showcasing covers worth going crazy over. 

This week I'm crazy about...

The model is so gorgeous in the red dress and look at her hair. She's practically glow.

Love the blocky font of the title and how it just intercepts each other like a crossword puzzle. 

I like the cascade of gears on the side of the cover and how the gears are just overlapping each other.


The Secret Clock Society has infiltrated every aspect of the government. You can’t hide from them, you can’t out run them—the only choice is to surrender or die fighting. Well, Summer’s found her voice and her confidence. She’ll fight if necessary, but for now she’s on the run. And the only place that can offer her refuge is the one city that’s been devastated with disease and death. Full of savages, Forsaken Harbor holds her life on the edge of a knife. Is there still hope to be found here after all? Or will survival mean savagery?

What do you think about this cover? What covers are you crazy over this week? Leave me a link and I'll visit.

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